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  • 1.
    Adolfsson, Linda
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Det beror på vilken socialsekreterare du får: En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialarbetares syn på kunskapen om NPF i Socialtjänstens arbete med barn och unga2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: A significant number of individuals who interact with Social Services have an NPF diagnosis. Many social workers believe they lack the necessary knowledge to effectively serve this demographic.

    Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate the social worker´s knowledge of NPF.

    Method: This study uses a qualitative method and has been carried out using semi-structured interviews with 4 social workers. The interviewed people works in social services with children and young people. Thematic analysis was then used to process the material and create themes for the results.

    Results: The results show that there is a lack of training about NPF in social services, both from sociologist training and from employers. However, it also showed that there is a lot of knowledge and experience that is used to help this target group. What became clear was that it is up to the individual social worker to design their strategies and that there is a lack of common working methods, which leads to an inequality depending on which social worker you meet. The interview material was then analyzed using Goffman's theory of Stigma.

    Discussion: The result shows that knowledge is lacking among social workers and previous research shows the same thing, in Sweden there is a lack of similar studies in Social Services.

  • 2.
    Afshar, Hadia
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Gebre Yohannes, Melina
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Dubbel Utsatthet: Socialsekreterares erfarenheter av arbete med kvinnor som lever med våld i nära relationer och missbruk2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    We have investigated social workers' work with women living in dual vulnerability, namely women who are both subjected to intimate partner violence and have substance abuse problems. Through interviews with social workers from Stockholm County, we have gained insights into their perceptions and experiences, as well as the challenges and conditions that affect their work. In our study, we used a qualitative research method focusing on hermeneutics to deeply explore social workers' experiences of working with intimate partner violence and substance abuse. We applied thematic analysis to systematically identify and analyze key themes from the data collection, which facilitated a detailed interpretation of their professional perspectives. The study showed that working with women in dual vulnerability is particularly difficult and demanding. Women in dual vulnerability often have more extensive and severe needs than those who only live with violence or abuse. The social workers emphasized the importance of building trust and creating a safe environment for abused women, as many have previous experiences of betrayal and lack of trust. Long-term commitment and continuity of contact are crucial for providing effective support. Cross-professional collaboration among various actors such as women's shelters, treatment centers, and healthcare proved to be central to offering holistic support. The conditions for providing adequate support are affected by the availability of resources such as time, personnel, and education. Many social workers experience that they have limited resources, which can hinder their ability to provide effective help. Continuous training is also important for addressing the specific needs of women in dual vulnerability. Working with women who are both substance abusers and victims of violence differs from working with women who only experience violence or abuse in several ways. It requires a broader and more integrated approach, a higher degree of flexibility and adaptability, as well as a greater emotional burden. Social workers need to handle multiple problem areas simultaneously and be creative in their solutions. By highlighting the specific needs and challenges that social workers face in their work with women in dual vulnerability, this study has contributed to a deeper understanding of how support efforts can be developed and improved. To enhance working conditions and the effectiveness of support, more resources, better training, and improved collaboration between various actors are required. We hope that our research can contribute to the development of more effective methods and strategies within social work to improve support for this vulnerable group.

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  • 3.
    Alarcon Klein, Ayar
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Aquino Lindström, Sandra
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Sis - personalens utmaningar i arbetet med de intagna ungdomarna: En kvalitativ studie om arbetsförhållandena på de särskilda ungdomshemmen i Sverige2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Det övergripande syftet med vår studie har varit att undersöka personalens upplevelser av hur arbetsmetoder, relationer och makt påverkar deras arbete med de intagna ungdomarna. Studien behandlar den låsta institutionens komplexitet och dess påverkan på personalen. Vi har intervjuat nio anställda på fem olika SiS-hem runtom i landet och använt oss av kvalitativ metod. Vi har bearbetat och analyserat vårt arbetsmaterial utifrån en tematisk analys för på så sätt förstå personalens upplevda arbetssituation.

    Resultatet av vår studie visade att behandlingsarbetet kräver en rigorös kunskap om målgruppen, arbetsmetoder och vikten av relationsbyggande. Det var även avgörande att personalen arbetade mot gemensamma mål och använde enhetliga arbetsmetoder. En utmaning för personalen var att skapa goda och hållbara relationer till ungdomarna och de tryckte på att det var av stor vikt att man som personal vågar vara vuxen. Både tidigare forskning och våran studie pekar på att kompetens är en central del i behandlingsarbetet och något som vår empiri visade var att bristande kompetens kunde leda till maktmissbruk gentemot ungdomarna.

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  • 4.
    Alm, Sandra
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Finns det en stereotyp av den äldre?: en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av överklaganden till särskilt boende2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a stereotype of the elderly being granted their appeal to retirement homes. This will be conducted with the help of a targeted qualitative content analysis where the texts that will be analyzed are verdicts from the Administrative Court where older people have appealed their denied request for assistance. Based on theories on “making age” and perspectives on power, empirical material was analyzed. The analysis was conducted by searching for meaning-bearing parts of the text, sentences that contain relevant information to be able to answer the purpose of the study. These codes were then divided into categories, to be further divided into different themes that were finally analyzed through theory and with previous research. The study reveals that it is in fact difficult to discern a stereotype of the elderly who gets approval of their appeal. This conclusion is drawn due to categories that seems to differ both between different approvals and different refusals, but also between rejection and approval. Based on this, it did not seem to be any certain characteristics that the elder should, or should not have in order to be granted approval of special housing. This does not necessarily mean that this stereotype does not exist, it simply means that it has not been discernible in the empirical material used in this essay. Based on the theoretical concepts and the research used in the study, a plausible conclusion is instead that the development assistance administrators make arbitrary decisions based on the framework that is set by the organization in the form of municipal guidelines and current legislation. The investigation that the social workers write about the elderly then forms part of the basis in the Administrative Courts judgement, and it is this part that is of interest for this study.

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  • 5.
    Alsterfalk, Isabel
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Ring, Diana
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    "Normbrytande beteende bestod av återkommande lögner parallellt med högt våldskapital": En kvalitativ studie om behandlares respektive klienters upplevelser och erfarenheter av behandling inom kriminellt normbrytande beteende2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to examine the therapist's and the client's experiences of treatment directed at behaviour patterns that are criminally norm-breaking, where especially responsivity to treatment is considered based on the risk, need and responsivity principles. The study was based on an inductive qualitative approach with nine semi-structured interviews. Questions have been answered by five counsellors from the Swedish correctional service and by four ex-criminal men who have undergone various behaviour treatments to prevent recidivism. The interview material has been processed and analysed using Bronfenbrenner's developmental ecology model and Jönson's perspective approach. The results emphasize that causes of norm-breaking behaviour are often related to limited complex mechanisms such as upbringing conditions, unhealthy environments, scarce resources et cetera. These variables could increase the risk for the individual to continue with crime in adulthood. Other contributing factors can be a lack of schooling with exclusion as a consequence. It emerged from both counsellors and clients that neuropsychiatric diagnoses are an aggravating factor. Important identified aspect was the need for coordinated services. Clients that have multiple conditions struggle since each service provider only provide a service for their specialized area. This report concluded that the lack of collaboration between service providers effected the client on several levels. Service providers need to collaborate and be inclusive rather than exclusive. Clients that struggled with mental health issues and addiction was excluded since the mental health service does not address the drug issue and vice versa. Client needs and conditions should be the primary focus rather than a way out for the service provider. The report identified several levels of challenges whereby clients were marginalized and excluded because of several multiple conditions. Different service provider needs to attend to clients’ needs regardless of other demands, this way services would be more permissive and clients would adhere which would increase the collaborations between service providers. Different diagnoses, psychological problems together with addiction and focus on the individual's needs and conditions would make the services more available and easier to access. In accordance to counsellors and clients the study concludes that successful changes in behavioural patterns are several but recurrent issues that emerged in the first level was awareness, self-awareness and focus on a mutual interaction, reciprocate relations then trust and responsivity increase.

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  • 6.
    Andersson Elmtoft, Natasja
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Whitaker, Anna
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Personlig professionell utveckling för socionomer2023 (ed. 1)Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I Personlig professionell utveckling för socionomer tar författarna ett grepp kring den livslånga lärandeprocess som kan ge blivande och yrkesverksamma socionomer förutsättningar att utveckla en hållbar yrkesroll samt en yrkesidentitet präglad av etisk medvetenhet och en personlig professionalitet. 

    Ett vanligt budskap inom socionomens profession är vikten av att vara professionell, möjligen personlig, men aldrig privat. Författarna menar att detta delvis är ett missförstånd, att många tror sig behöva bli opersonliga eller spela en roll som professionell. För att skapa ett såväl personligt som professionellt bemötande behöver man arbeta med sin självkännedom, sin empatiska förmåga och med att utveckla en etisk medvetenhet.

    Författarna kombinerar teoretiska resonemang med olika reflektionsövningar för att uppmuntra läsaren till eftertanke kring de teman boken behandlar; viljan att utvecklas, självkännedom, empatisk förmåga, etiskt bemötande samt strategier för att hålla som socionom. Det handlar om att hur man som socionom kan smälta samman sin personlighet med sin professionella roll. Ja, att vara sig själv som socionom. 

    Boken vänder sig till såväl socionomstudenter som till yrkesverksamma socionomer samt till andra inom socialt arbete och människovårdande yrken.

  • 7.
    Andersson, Hedvig
    et al.
    Linköpings universitet.
    Aspeqvist, Erik
    Linköpings universitet.
    Dahlström, Örjan
    Linköpings universitet.
    Svedin, Carl Göran
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Jonsson, Linda S.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Landberg, Åsa
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Zetterqvist, Maria
    Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping.
    Emotional Dysregulation and Trauma Symptoms Mediate the Relationship Between Childhood Abuse and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Adolescents2022In: Frontiers in Psychiatry, E-ISSN 1664-0640, Vol. 13, article id 897081Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is common in adolescents. Emotion dysregulation has been identified as a core mechanism in the development and maintenance of NSSI and it is therefore an important target when addressing NSSI. The pathogenic connection between different kinds of childhood abuse, difficulties in emotion regulation and NSSI needs further investigation. The objective of this study was to examine whether difficulties with emotion regulation and trauma symptoms, separately and together, mediate the relationships between sexual, physical and emotional abuse and NSSI.

    Method: Cross-sectional data was collected from 3,169 adolescent high-school students aged 16–19 years (M = 18.12, SD = 0.45). Data from self-reported experiences of childhood abuse, current difficulties with emotion regulation (measured with the Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale, DERS-16) and trauma symptoms (measured with the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children, TSCC), and NSSI were collected. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the proposed relationships between variables.

    Results: The prevalence of life-time NSSI was 27.4%. Prevalence of reported childhood abuse was 9.2, 17.5, and 18.0% for sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, respectively. Childhood abuse, difficulties with emotion regulation and trauma symptoms exhibited significant positive associations with NSSI in adolescents. Emotional dysregulation and trauma symptoms were both found to mediate the relationship between childhood abuse and NSSI. Latent variable models were found to fit data well.

    Conclusion: Results indicate that increased levels of emotional dysregulation and trauma symptoms in relation to childhood abuse contribute to the increased risk of NSSI. Further, results point to some aspects of emotional dysregulation and trauma symptoms being more important in this regard. Clinical implications are discussed.

  • 8.
    Appo, Elisia
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Youssefi, Laura
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    “Det är en äcklig verklighet som inspirerar min musik”: En netnografisk studie om gangsterrappens koppling till gängkriminalitet2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this study is to obtain a greater insight of how gang-related crime and the criminal lifestyle is portrayed in the music genre gangster rap. Through a netnographic research method, 25 songs by five different Swedish rap artists on the social media plattform Youtube have been analyzed. The study also includes an analysis of how the audience reacts and responds to the content of the music, by examining the comment sections. Using a thematic analysis as a method for analyzing the collected data allowed us to identify important or interesting themes. Furthermore, the analysis was carried out with the support of three theoretical frameworks: impression management, cultivation theory and symbolic capital. The study shows that the music content consists of occurring depictions of violent nature, glorification of risky behavior and various references that can be related to gang crime in real life. The analysis also shows a predominantly neutral approach from the audience towards violent imagery, and criminal activities rarely seem to be questioned.

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  • 9.
    Asplund, Isabel
    et al.
    Islandsprojektet Stockholm.
    Eriksson, Maria
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Friberg, Anna
    Barnahus Stockholm.
    Malm, Frida
    Relationsvåldscentrum RVC Innerstad.
    Tronders, Liselotte
    Stockholm stads Socialjour.
    Börjeson, Martin
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Samverkan inom socialtjänsten kring våld i nära relationer: Erfarenheter, utmaningar och möjligheter2022Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Panelsamtal om socialtjänstens insatser för att hantera våld i nära relationer, särskilt de olika former av våld som berör barn. Samtalet kommer att kretsa kring frågan om hur ett mer samordnat och barncentrerat system av insatser mot våld kan åstadkommas, ett system där våldsutsatta barn både kan få det skydd och stöd de behöver, och vara delaktiga i alla processer som berör dem. Utgångspunkten är de olika medverkandes erfarenheter av problematiken kring våld, barn och samordning inom socialtjänsten och mellan socialtjänst och andra aktörer. Utifrån dessa erfarenheter reflekterar paneldeltagarna tillsammans reflektera över de utmaningar respektive utvecklingsmöjligheter när det gäller att utveckla mer samordnade interventioner kring våld i nära relationer.

    Deltar i panelsamtalet gör: Isabel Asplund, projektledare Islandsprojektet Stockholm, Maria Eriksson, professor Marie Cederschiöld högskola, Anna Friberg, biträdande enhetschef i Enheten för stöd och skydd och chef över Barnahus Stockholm, Frida Malm, biträdande enhetschef, Relationsvåldscentrum RVC Innerstad, Liselotte Tronders, biträdande enhetschef Stockholm stads Socialjour

    Panelsamtalet modereras av Martin Börjeson.

  • 10.
    Assmar, Eva
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Vem är personen bakom pokerfejset?: En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur spelberoende kan hålla människor på en genomgående destruktiv väg i livet och hur det kan hållas dolt för alla i sin omgivning under lång tid fram till tillfrisknandet2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: People with gambling problems have significantly more frequent suicidal thoughts, plans and suicide attempts than the general population. Gambling problems are a public health problem as it can have serious social, health and economic consequences for the individual, for relatives and for society as a whole.

    The purpose of the qualitative study is to increase knowledge about gambling addiction and gain an in-depth understanding of the former gambling addicts´ perceptions and experiences about their path to recovery.

    The method I have used is qualitative research as a result of the fact that I want to understand problem players' experiences and views of their world of life and thus get detailed stories.

    The result of the study is that eight qualitative research interviews were conducted with eight former gambling addicts from three non-profit support groups in three different cities in the country. The interview material was then analyzed based on two theoretical tools; Sense of coherence (SOC) and stigma.

    The conclusion of the study is that the interviewees had experienced personality changes where lying, manipulation and stealing money became their everyday life. They lived in their bubble because they felt ashamed and guilty about telling their loved ones about gambling addiction that caused devastating negative consequences for their mental health, social relationships and finances. The path to recovery has been in connection with the capitulation and support from relatives, but above all from the self-help groups that have been crucial for maintaining restraint.

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  • 11.
    Atilgan, Aslihan
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Said, Nadia
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    “Jag offrar mig själv för att kunna försvara mitt område eller mina grabbar”: en studie om den socioekonomiska eftersattheten och dess koppling till gatuvåldet bland unga män i Sverige2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study focuses on examining whether there is a link between crime/street violence and socioeconomically disadvantaged/neglected areas. The study was executed on the basis of professionals' perspective on the issue. The study analyzes young men but the result is based on empirical data from interviews with the professionals who are or have been in touch with young men whose lifestyle is characterized by criminality. The interviewees are professionals in different fields such as social services, leisure activities, politics, defector activities etcetera. Therefore, the study is similar to a casestudy. Our study is conducted with the help of semi-structured interviews since we have chosen a qualitative research method with an abductive approach.

    The results show that the connection between the issues surrounding street violence and the socioeconomically neglected areas is strong. The stigma around the area and the lack of meaningful leisure leads to risk factors for the young men, in terms of education with fewer resources, overcrowding in their homes, poverty and exclusion in society. These factors in turn lead individually or collectively to the young men being attracted to a lifestyle that is characterized by crime, violence, drug trafficking and so on.

    Labeling theory was a highly current theory which most of the interviewees pointed out. Bothstigma and labeling of people who live in the neglected areas can cause street violence. This in turn causes fragile social ties in society. Developmental psychopathology is another theory that helped us answer the results in this study. The collected data shows how development differs from one individual to the other, how one person who in general lives under the same circumstances manages to stay away from criminality while another individual doesn't.

    The conclusion that was drawn from this study, among others, is that a root cause of street violenceis the neglecting of these areas. There is a necessity for more resources and dedicated workers in school, workers in extracurricular functions and other adults that work in close connection to the young men.

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  • 12.
    Axelsson, Moa
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Att hålla dörren öppen: En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers uppfattade möjligheter att uppmärksamma, stödja och samverka kring våld i ungas parrelationer2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study has been to contribute to increased knowledge of how school counselors perceive possibilities and barriers to identify young people who have been subjected to intimate partner violence. The purpose has also been to provide increased knowledge on how school counselors collaborate with other professionals regarding youth intimate partner violence. In order to fulfill the purpose of the study, six qualitative interviews with school counselors have been conducted. The interviews have been analyzed with the help of previous research in the field and the theoretical concepts of discretion and collaboration.

    The study's results show that as a school counselor, being visible and accessible to students is understood to increase the possibilities to identify young people subjected to intimate partner violence. The time available for activities where the school counselor is visible and accessible to students is perceived as a barrier to identifying young people subjected to intimate partner violence. Further, the study's results show that the design of supportive actions for young people who are or have been subjected to intimate partner violence. can be linked to what is within the framework of the school health mission. Collaboration with other professionals regarding youth intimate partner violence appears be context-bound to the school where the school counselor works, and collaboration with social services is considered possible to varying degrees by different school counselors.

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  • 13.
    Baber, Issa
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    ”Jag vill leva som alla andra självständiga individer i samhället”: En studie om ensamkommande barns upplevelser av etableringsprocessen2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The primary purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of unaccompanied children from Afghanistan in the establishment process in Swedish society and increase the understanding of their needs among people who work with this group. In this study, a qualitative method has been used and semi-structured interviews have been conducted with 6 people who support themselves through work to answer the study's questions. The analysis in the study has been made with the support of previous research relevant to this group and theories such as resilience, systems theory, and Bourdieu's capital forms.

    The results show that support and efforts from society have contributed to the establishment of unaccompanied minors, although there have been challenges in the relationship with certain government officials, especially social workers. Professionals such as housing staff, foster homes, guardians, healthcare staff and teachers have played a central role through various initiatives such as conversations, homework, language training and practical help with contact with authorities.

    Unaccompanied minors' willingness and motivation to integrate into Swedish society, together with residence permits and language learning, are considered crucial for their establishment. Non-profit associations and individuals have also contributed to their networking and sense of belonging. The nuclear family has served as an important source of energy for motivation, and despite challenges, the interviewees show resilience and the pursuit of independence. Support from sports clubs and other networks has also facilitated their establishment process.

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  • 14.
    Backman, Ellen
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences. Regional habilitation center, Region Halland, Sweden.
    Åsberg Johnels, Jakob
    Speech and Language Pathology Unit, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Thunberg, Gunilla
    DART centre for AAC and AT, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Parental perceptions of social life before and after attending a parent training program for children with complex communication needs: the ComAlong example2024In: Augmentative and Alternative Communication: AAC, ISSN 0743-4618, E-ISSN 1477-3848, Vol. 40, no 1, p. 46-56Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Parent training programs aimed at improving language outcomes for children with complex communication needs have predominantly been evaluated on child-centered outcomes and less often on the impact on social life or parental well-being. This study examined parent perceptions of social life before and after ComAlong, a group intervention providing parents with knowledge and training in responsive communication, environmental-milieu teaching strategies and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Parents (N = 467) completed questionnaires during the first and last sessions of ComAlong groups held in Sweden 2012 to 2018. Main outcome measure was change in the Social Life Scale from the Family Impact Questionnaire. Associations between this measure and demographic factors of parents and children were analyzed, along with reported change in parents’ use of AAC. Pre-post comparisons revealed small significant positive changes in perceived impact of social life following intervention. The magnitude of the positive change was larger among parents of children with non-syndromic diagnoses and parents of children with autism spectrum disorder or attention deficit hyper activity disorder (ADHD). Differences in social life impact was not associated with parents’ gender, language proficiency, age, or educational background. In conclusion, communication-focused parent training programs can have a positive impact on social family life and may thereby influence children’s participation.

  • 15.
    Bahrami, Sozan
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Muse, Habon
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    “Vi vill och försöker, men det är inte alltid vi kan.”: En kvalitativ studie om skolpersonalens perspektiv på socialt arbete med elever som lever med föräldrar i missbruksmiljö2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study investigates how school personnel notice and work with children who grow up with one or more parents with harmful use of alcohol or other drugs. The study also examines how the school staff perceives the availability of resources for this work and aims to highlight the social work in the school. With the help of interviews with the professionals in the school, their perspective on preventive work in relation to children in vulnerable environments is studied. The interviewees work at primary schools in Stockholm and Västerås counties and have different work roles. The empirical work in this investigation is covered by a qualitative interview study and thus the data has been collected through semi-structured interviews.

    The results show that school staff emphasize the importance of relationship building with children who live with one or more parents with harmful use. The result also highlights that a lack of resources for the school's work with these children reduces the opportunities to strengthen protective factors that can prevent future problems in the children. Making the children's own behaviors visible is said to be important in the work of being able to identify and catch the children who live in harmful living conditions.

    The developmental ecology theory is used as a framework for this study as the theory centers around the context of the child. The concept of risk and protective factor has had great relevance to our study because it helps us understand the children's behavior, the risk factors the child is exposed to and how the school can be a protective factor. The concept also increases our understanding of the child as an individual on a social and structural level. The study's conclusion can be divided into three parts and links to the themes that this research has produced based on the thematic analysis:

    (1) The existence of a lack of resources in the preventive social work in the school;

    (2) the importance of relationship building between students and school staff;

    (3) and observations of children's deviant behavior.

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  • 16.
    Beklevic, Emilie
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Att skydda de mest utsatta: Statens institutionsstyrelses arbete för hedersdrabbade flickor: En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen kring kompetens och vårdarbete2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis investigates how the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care (SiS) handles girls who live under honor-related violence and oppression. The focus is on the role of the treatment staff and their competence development, as well as how government initiatives for increased understanding and education affect the girls' situation at the institution. By analyzing SiS's efforts and strategies, the study aims to identify measures to improve the well-being and safety of these young girls. A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was used to answer the research questions, and the interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. A total of eight individuals with different roles within an institution, which accommodates school-aged girls between 12-16 years old, were interviewed. The theoretical concepts of street-level bureaucracy and total institutions were applied in the analysis of the collected material. The results show that there are educational opportunities, but these are neither mandatory nor accessible to everyone. The treatment staff experience a lack of competence in relation to honor-related violence and oppression, while also expressing a desire to develop their knowledge. The study also reveals that the institution conducts its safety work through regular risk assessments and individual safety plans tailored to each girl's unique situation. The results highlight challenges in the work, including preventing contact between the girls and unauthorized persons through false identities, while staff face dilemmas when the girls express desires for contact with unauthorized individuals. The study also shows that the institution focuses on providing adequate care and support tailored to the girls' individual needs, but the varying levels of education among the staff and the lack of specific training pose a challenge.

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  • 17.
    Berg, Ellinor
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Rantanen, Idige
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Jag tror att när man känner sig ensam, det är värre: en kvalitativ intervjustudie om skyddsfaktorer mot ensamhet bland äldre personer2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study has been to examine protective factors against emotional loneliness from the elderly’s perspective. To accomplish this we have conducted 11 qualitative interviews with the members of the elderly community in a municipality north of Stockholm, with the aim to capture the participants’ subjective experiences in terms of protective factors against emotional loneliness. The subjects, aged between 79 and 98 years old, are single homeowners assisted by home care services. The empirics have been compiled through coding where the material has been categorised and key concepts identified. Through the coding process a thematic analysis was conducted, supported by previous research and a theoretical frame of reference. The theory we have used is the gerotranscendence, which is a gerontological theory. In this study we have identified five protective factors that the subjects consider to be a protection against emotional loneliness; close relationships with family members, independence despite the need of home care, acceptance, security, and remaining a resident in your own home. Grief and the loss of a partner can be a great challenge for the elderly. But there are also practical challenges to encounter when you are left handling all the responsibilities that used to be shared with a spouse. We have also, from the statements of our subjects, come to the conclusion that being alone is not always seen as a negative thing and can sometimes even be embraced by the elderly.

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  • 18.
    Bergelt, Lina
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Hägglöf, Sara
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Villkorad syskonkärlek: Om upplevelsen av att växa upp som biologiskt barn i familjehem2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge on today's adult biological children's experiences of having grown up in foster homes and contribute with knowledge and understanding about whether societal support functions were in proportion to perceived needs. The study is based on a qualitative approach whose empirical evidence is obtained through semi-structured interviews. In total, we have interviewed eight informants. The empirical work was processed according to the approach of thematic analysis and resulted in a number of themes and sub-themes whose content was analyzed in relation to the theories Theory of family boundary ambiguity and ambiguous loss as well as the New sociology of childhood and to previous research on the subject of biological children in foster homes.

    The study shows that biological children in foster care's experiences need to be understood based on each individual's unique story, which has consisted of both benefits and challenges. The distinguishing feature of the result is the important and lasting relationships that all informants developed with some of the children placed in foster homes. Separations and risk of separations from children placed in foster homes created feelings of anxiety, fear and stress that some of the informants, as a result of a lack of support from adults, did not have sufficient opportunity to process and understand. The biological children’s access to participation, inclusion and information in matters concerning the foster children and the foster home assignment appear to be fundamental components for the assignment to be perceived as more or less positive or challenging. The results of the study also show the importance of the adults having knowledge of the biological children's potential needs and that they can relate to them in a flexible and responsive way. The support thus needs to be designed so that it is proportionate to the unique child's needs.

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  • 19.
    Berglund, Carola
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Gummeson, Anna
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    ”Man vill ju att ungdomarna ska få lyckas någon gång”: En kvalitativ studie om behandlingsfamiljers upplevelse och erfarenhet av att arbeta med metoden Treatment Foster Care Oregon (TFCO)2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Treatment Foster Care Oregon (TFCO) is a method recommended by the National Board of Health and Welfare (2020) as an alternative to institutional care for young people with norm-breaking behavior. The purpose of this essay was to investigate the experience and knowledge of treatment family parents in using the TFCO method in the treatment of youth's norm-breaking behavior. The study was based on five qualitative semi-structured interviews with treatment families around Sweden who have the common denominator that they are all active within TFCO. We processed our collected empirical evidence with thematic analysis and then the material was analyzed based on systems theoretical developmental ecology and social learning theory. The results of the study show that our interviewees appreciated the support from the professional team, which meant that they did not feel alone about decisions regarding the youth. Furthermore, the clear distribution of roles within the team around the youth was also appreciated, which meant, among other things, that the interviewees did not have to take on any conflicts with the youth, but instead focus on reinforcing good behaviors. The experience of working manual-based had both positive and negative aspects. Positive in the form of a clear structure and clearly set goals, negative in the form of several interviewees' experience of limitation in their own social life. Common to all interviewees was that the work as a treatment family felt meaningful and that the structure of the program contributed to their experience of success for the young people.

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  • 20.
    Bergvall, Jacquline
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Jonsson, Teres
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Vi borde ju se, höra mer, vi borde ju veta mer: En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers roll mot syskonvåld2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of the study was to see how school counselors at high schools can work preventively with sibling violence within the school social work. The study was based on three questions that concern how the school counselors work preventively against sibling violence, which methods can be useful and how they can help students who have already been exposed to sibling violence. This study has been carried out based on a qualitative approach through four focus group interviews with a total of ten interviewees who work in high school.

    The results of the study show that there is more knowledge about sibling violence and the preventive work around it than the school counselors initially perceived. Through discussions and reflections in the focus groups, the school counselors have gained more knowledge. The high schools have a number of good methods that already exist within the activities that can be applied both to the preventive work and the work where sibling violence already is present. It is also possible to work preventively where the violence is already taking place by preventing the violence from continuing and escalating.

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  • 21.
    Berhane, Rodas
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Social Work Perspective on Third-Country Solutions for Refugees: An exploratory study of two EU Countries' work with Resettlement and Complementary Pathways2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study delves into Sweden and Italy's distinctive approaches to third-country solutions for refugees from a social work perspective. It scrutinizes Sweden's involvement in resettlement via state-directed procedures and Italy's engagement in complementary pathways, primarily through community-driven sponsorship initiatives. Employing a qualitative comparative methodology, the study unearths variations and commonalities within these strategies, underscoring their respective strengths and challenges within the realm of social work. While Sweden's resettlement program has been associated with notable achievements in refugee integration, recent reductions in the refugee quota have prompted concerns. Italy's community sponsorship initiatives exhibit promise, yet their long-term viability hinges on increased governmental backing. Overall, these third-country solutions provide secure and lawful avenues for refugees, necessitating robust collaboration between governmental bodies and civil society within the context of social work. This study enhances our comprehension of these pivotal approaches amid the ongoing global refugee crisis.

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  • 22.
    Bjernér, Älva
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Haataja, Ida
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Genuskonstruktioner av unga lagöverträdare: En kvalitativ studie baserad på socialtjänstens yttranden2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study is to explore, from a gender perspective, how girls and boys accused of crimes are described in the social services' statements regarding juvenile delinquents. The study is based on 28 statements retrieved from two different courts in Stockholm. The statements concern 14 girls and 14 boys between the ages of 15 and 18 who are accused of various crimes. The empirical data has been processed through thematic analysis. Our results show that there are differences in the descriptions of girls and boys, where girls are described more positively and boys more negatively. There are also differences in focus, where girls' family relationships and boys' physical health and hobbies are emphasised to a greater extent. In relation to their criminality, girls are described as passive and less dangerous to society, while boys are seen as active subjects and more criminally dangerous. The results also indicate that girls' criminality is constructed in different ways, but with overall female-coded words. For boys, both aggressiveness and vulnerability emerged in the descriptions.

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  • 23.
    Björk, Caroline
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    En kvalitativ studie om barns delaktighet i socialtjänstens utredningar gällande vårdnad, boende och umgänge2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of the study was to investigate how the child's views are expressed in family court investigations concerning custody, residence, and access. The empirical material of the study consisted of twelve custody investigations included as case files from court decisions from a major district court in mid-2020. The material was examined using a qualitative content method. The analysis of the empirical data was conducted using Hart's (1992) participation ladder combined with a childhood sociology perspective. The study shows that children are usually involved at a rather low level according to Hart's (1992) participation ladder. Children are limited by the fact that participation is done by adults in different ways or that children themselves can choose not to participate and thus show agency. The study also shows that adults play a major role in enabling children to be involved. It is the adults who decide on participation. Furthermore, the study shows that in many cases the family court mediator follows the child's wishes, either expressed in discussions with the child or the child's opinion expressed in other ways. 

  • 24. Björk, Susanne
    et al.
    Ingemarson, Maria
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Trappanmodellen för barn som har bevittnat våld: En förstudie2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna arbetsrapport bygger på en förstudie av arbetsmodellen Trappan. Trappan är en samtalsmodell som riktar sig till barn som har bevittnat våld och som används inom främst socialtjänsten. Studien syftar till att lägga en grund för ett större forskningsprojekt och syftar till att undersöka hur trappan-modellen är konstruerad, hur den de facto används och i vilka typer av verksamheter. Vidare undersöks hur arbetet organiseras, om det faktiska arbetet överensstämmer med de grundantaganden som modellen vilar på samt de hinder och möjligheter metodanvändare upplever i arbetet.

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  • 25.
    Björkman, Norea
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Sexuell hälsa bortom normativa linjer?: om normers betydelse för sexuell hälsa bland transpersoner2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Studies show that the transgender population in Sweden experience poorer conditions for sexual health compared with the rest of the population. The available research indicates that gender norms are one of the factors that influence transgender people's perceived sexual health. Against this background it has been argued that human service organizations need to invest in knowledge and skill development in order for transgender people’s sexual health to be improved. Knowledge that represents transgender people's own experiences of how norms and expectations interact with sexual health is needed for this to be possible. This knowledge is currently lacking. The purpose of this study is therefore to fill this gap by examining transgender people’s subjective experiences of how social norms affect the conditions for sexual health. The study is bases on qualitative interviews with 8 people who self-identify as transgender. The material has been analyzed and thematized based on Sara Ahmed’s (2006) queer phenomenology and Gagnon and Simon's (2005) sexual script theory. The results show that norms are perceived to influence sexual living conditions in complex and multifaceted ways. This influence seems to occur as societal structures, interpersonal encounters as well as intrapsychic attitudes are shaped by social norms. In this way, norms are experienced as an external and internal pressure simultaneously. The study concludes that transgender people are treated in a way that creates poor conditions for sexual health. At the same time, the results indicate that gender nonconformity can promote sexual health by creating space for sexual exploration beyond rigid gender norms. To exist completely beyond society's normative structures, is however perceived as an impossibility. It is therefore clear that a less cisnormative society is required for transgender people to be able to enjoy the same sexual living conditions as the rest of the population. This conclusion emphasizes the need to develop the social work practice to secure transgender people’s rights to equal living conditions.

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  • 26.
    Björnlinger, Johanna
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    "Hear us we have the solution": En kvalitativ undersökningsstudie av hur socialt arbete kan organiseras för att främja individers rätt till deltagande2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this study was to examine how social work can be organized to promote individual`s right to participate in decisions that affect them, in the context of a current social policy state. The selection of participants was goal-oriented and based on individuals who are members of TOP Clubhouse in New York City. They are currently negatively affected by the newly issued social policy directives. Through six qualitative semi-structured interviews based upon research questions, I sought answers to how the clubhouse equips its members to take an active role against the new directives and what role in advocacy work the members considered themselves to have compared to staff. The results of the study show that the clubhouse model strength-based, relational and equal approach has a positive impact on individuals' right and willingness to participate in decisions that affect them. The results show that the clubhouse model promotes empowerment on both individual and political levels. Further the results illustrate that clubhouse members who experience high levels of individual empowerment tend to take a more active role in activist work at a political level. Furthermore, the results show that the relational base of the clubhouse contributes to a collective sense of empowerment at the political level, based on togetherness and solidarity, the clubhouse members organize themselves against the social policy directives. The staff take on two roles in the activist work, first a motivational and insight-creating role where staff contribute with motivation for the clubhouse members to organize against decisions that affect them negatively. The second role is “cause advocacy work”, where the study's results demonstrate how staff remove, through their power, structural obstacles in order for clubhouse members to have their voices heard in decisions that affect them. In conclusion, the study shows how a strengths-based practice can equip both individuals and groups with empowerment at an individual and political level, and how social work in this way promotes individuals' rights to participate in decisions that affect them.

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  • 27.
    Bladh, Marie
    et al.
    Linköpings universitet.
    Svedin, Carl Göran
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Agnafors, Sara
    Linköpings universitet.
    Predictors of educational failure at 16 and 19 years of age: SESBiC longitudinal study2023In: PLOS ONE, E-ISSN 1932-6203, Vol. 18, no 1, article id e0279531Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    BACKGROUND: Educational attainment is highly associated with future health and independence. Throughout childhood, children are exposed to factors that may promote educational attainment and factors that may be associated with a reduced likelihood of being able to complete their education. The purpose of the current study was to investigate which factors, measured from birth up to finishing upper secondary school, were associated with a lower mean grade point average from lower and upper secondary school as well as eligibility to upper secondary school and college/university.

    METHODS: This is a longitudinal study on 1723 children born in 1995/1996 who have been followed until they were 20 years old. Information with respect to maternal sociodemographics, maternal stress factors during pregnancy and childhood, birth characteristics of the child, child behavior at 3 and 12 years of age, and mean grade point average from lower and upper secondary school, including eligibility to upper secondary school and college/university was collected.

    RESULTS: Children exhibiting high problems scores on the child behavior checklist at 12 years of age and children or having other living arrangements (e.g. foster parents or institutional care) were less likely to fulfill the requirements for upper secondary school (OR = 0.35, 95% CI = 0.17-0.71 and OR = 0.33 95% CI = 0.17-0.65, respectively). The likelihood of fulfilling the requirements to college/university was lower if the child had divorced parents at three years of age (OR = 0.30, 95% CI = 0.16-0.58) and exhibited externalizing problems at 12 years of age (OR = 0.45, 95% CI = 0.24-0.86) and if the mother had experienced high level of stress at (OR = 0.32, 95% CI = 0.14-0.77).

    CONCLUSION: Identifying mothers with high level of stressors as well as children with externalizing behaviour problems to provide guidance and support is very important as these two factors appear to be associated with future study performance in both lower and upper secondary school.

  • 28.
    Blom, Ylva
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Peltola, Christer
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Slår man? Slår han?: Diskursanalys av hur genus aktualiseras i Socialstyrelsens texter2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to analyze how gender is expressed within two of the method books regarding intimate partner violence used for social work by The National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW, Socialstyrelsen). The study has been carried out from the theoretical perspective of discourse theory, social constructionist, gender, power and Fairclough’s model of three dimensions. The analysis focused upon how gender is expressed in combination with intimate partner violence and what kind of consequences this could have in the field of social work.

    The empirical material is comprised of two method books by NBHW; Våld i nära relationer: Handbok för socialtjänsten, hälso-och sjukvården och tandvården (Violence in close relationships: Handbook for the social services, health care and dental care) and Behandlingsmetoder för personer som utövar våld i nära relationer (Treatment methods for persons using violence in close relationships).

    Four discourses could be identified in the empirical material. The discourses identified in this study showed how gender often is expressed hidden in some parts of the texts and in other there was a clear divide of the genders regarding methods of treatment. Other discourses found showed hidden labels when it came to gender and labels such as victim or perpetrator. The conclusion is that there was no clear message in how a social worker should approach gender when working with intimate partner violence.  

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  • 29.
    Brito Olguin, Francis
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    "Motivation är A och O i behandlingsarbetet": En kvalitativ studie om hur personal på HVB-hem arbetar med motivation för att öka barn och ungas delaktighet i behandlingen under placeringstiden2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    My study is about how staff at out of care homes work with motivation to increase children and young people´s participation in their treatment during the placement period. The aim of study was to capture the staff´s experiences and perspectives of how to work with motivation and participation for the placed children. For my study, I have conducted six semi-structured interviews with staff who work at out of care homes whick I then processed using the thematic analysis method. For my analysis, I have used the theories of empowerment and self-determination theory. The results show that staff have different interpretations of the work with motivation and participation and that this is linked to different practical ascpects in order to influence their everyday life through house meetings and in their weekly schedule. Furthermore, the results show that motivation an participation are associated and that bot hare needed for the young people to be able to make a change. The motivational tools for the staff is a reward system. The results show that there are several obstacles in the work, such as if the young person is SoL or LVU – placed and that the staff feel limited based on the laws that the out of care homes are obligated by. Another obstacle in the work that the results show is that young people are at risk of developing more risky behaviors when they are placed togheter with other young people. Common to all informants is that they all are educated and have competence for the work, but that the staff needs guidance reagarding the work for increasing the children´s motivation and participation in their treatment.

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  • 30.
    Bruno, Linnéa
    et al.
    Stockholms universitet.
    Eriksson, Maria
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Conversations about violence, risk and responsibility with divorced and support‐seeking fathers in Sweden2023In: Child & Family Social Work, ISSN 1356-7500, E-ISSN 1365-2206, Vol. 28, no 3, p. 764-773Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this paper is to analyse approaches to issues of risk, responsibility and representations of violence in women social workers' conversations with alleged or confirmed violent fathers. The study adds to a growing body of research on agencies' handling of intimate partner violence (IPV) in the context of separation. Empirically, the study draws from 12 structured, audio recorded and transcribed interviews with support-seeking and divorced fathers, from five municipalities in Sweden, conducted as part of a cooperation project in which a risk-detection method (Family Law Detection Of Overall Risk Screen [FL-DOORS]) was also tested. The results suggest a tension between different professional tasks. To validate information on IPV, detect risk and enhance a child perspective competes with other professional projects, most obviously with promoting cooperation between parents. The study confirms previous research, which demonstrates unique challenges facing women social workers and counsellors when working with men as perpetrators. In conclusion, the paper concurs with the call for a focus on responsibility and on safe parenting in professional conversations with allegedly or confirmed abusive fathers.

  • 31.
    Brännnvall, Mari
    et al.
    Västra Götalandsregionens kompetenscentrum om våld i nära relationer.
    Ekström, Veronica
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Att arbeta i ”möjlighetsfönstret”: Polis och socialtjänst i samverkan vid akuta ärenden av våld i familjer med barn2023In: Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, ISSN 1104-1420, E-ISSN 2003-5624, Vol. 30, no 1, p. 435-455Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article describes and discusses the cooperation between police and social services when working in accordance with the so-called Icelandic model. The aim of this article is to explore what cooperation within the Icelandic model during the “window of opportunity” means for police officers and social workers discretion and their possibility to perform their work in acute cases of domestic violence in families with children. Empirical data consists of interviews with police officers and social workers. Theories of new institutionalism and street level bureaucrats are used in the analysis. Results show that the Icelandic model has led to increased cooperation between police and social workers at the crime scene. The police and social workers state that they can focus to a greater extent on carrying out what they regard as their own tasks in acute cases of domestic violence when they work according to the model. At the same time, the model has entailed increased control of their work, which has reduced the degree of discretion and possibility for professional assessments and priorities. The perception that there is a “window of opportunity” is shared by the police and the social services and they believe that coordinated efforts in the acute phase are important.

  • 32.
    Brännnvall, Mari
    et al.
    Västra Götalands kompetenscentrum om våld i nära relationer.
    Ekström, Veronica
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Immediate and coordinated responses to domestic violence: Exploring the window of opportunity concept2023In: Journal of Gender-Based Violence, ISSN 2398-6808, Vol. 7, no 2Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article examines the window of opportunity concept and its implications for police officers’ and social workers’ perceptions of abused women’s agency. The study consists of a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with eight police officers and eight social workers who have worked according to the so-called Icelandic model. This model is based on the assumption that a window of opportunity exists. It is thus a relevant case for analysing the concept’s implications for practical work with and support of abused women.We found that the empirical basis for the window of opportunity concept was meagre. However, the professionals working with domestic violence thought that the concept was relevant, useful and in accordance with their experiences. During the time period they perceived as the window of opportunity, they attributed agency to abused women, and considered it important to offer support before the window closed. At the same time, they tended to underestimate women’s agency, and viewed a choice not to accept support as a sign that the woman had returned to the abuser.

  • 33.
    Börje, Astrid
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Opposing Self-Declaration: A qualitative content analysis of the opposing organisational responses to theScottish Government's consultation ‘Review of the Gender Recognition Act 2004’2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this dissertation was to provide knowledge of how issues of social work policy and practice are being raised in the responses to the Scottish Government’s public consultation ‘Review of the Gender Recognition Act 2004’ from 2017. Further, the purpose was to understand how sex and gender were described in the responses, and how these descriptions may relate to concepts of power and discourse in regards to social work practice. The dissertation is based on the 32 opposing organisational responses to the public consultation. The material was processed through a qualitative content analysis, generating ten categories that this dissertation labels as (1) sex as a biological reality, (2) on the post-structuralist view of gender, (3) gender mainstreaming, (4) the magnitude of the decision and regret,(5) diagnosis criteria as a quality assurer for trans care, (6) trans people without gender affirming surgery, (7) the challenge for professionals, (8) biological males, single-sex spaces and the risk for exploitation, (9) cis women’s rights and (10) cis women’s vulnerability. The categories were later condensed into three themes labelled as (1) understanding gender identities and self-declaration, (2) the shift towards self-declaration and (3) the threat to cis women. The themes and categories were analysed through the theoretical framework of Judith Butler’s queer theory. The analysis was followed by a discussion that integrated the theoretical framework with previous research, aiming to enhance the applicability of the findings to the dissertation's purpose and the future of social work research. The findings of the dissertations show that the opposing organisation’s often described sex and gender using biological essentialist discourse, perceiving sex and gender as an innate biological feature that cannot be changed. Further, the findings show little mention of issues of social work in the organisation's responses to the public consultation. Drawing from previous research, the dissertation critiques this by arguing that civil society organisations should pay attention to discourse around legal gender recognition and its implications for the shaping of social work since they are key stakeholders for the development of social work policy and practice.

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  • 34.
    Börjeson, Martin
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Förord2023In: Personlig professionell utveckling för socionomer / [ed] Natasja Elmtoft Andersson; Anna Whitaker, Stockholm: Liber, 2023, p. 5-8Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 35.
    Börjeson, Martin
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Modellsnickaren & folkhemsbygget: en biografi över Wictor Karlsson, Stockholms första socialborgarråd2024Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Vid sekelskiftet 1900 förändrades Stockholm i snabb takt. Industrialiseringen tog fart på allvar och befolkningen ökade hastigt, samtidigt växte de ekonomiska och sociala klyftorna. Människor ställde krav på förändring. Socialborgarrådet Wictor Karlsson var en av dem som gick i täten för reformer för de fattiga och utsatta. Som nittonåring flyttade från Forsvik i Västergötland till Stockholm.

    Fostrad i frikyrko- och nykterhetsrörelsen engagerade han sig i det växande arbetarpartiet. När socialdemokratin efter rösträttsreformerna 1920 erövrade makten i stadshuset blev han stadens första socialborgarråd. Det uppdraget skulle han behålla i tjugosex år. Wictor Karlsson spelade en nyckelroll för specialisttandvård vid Eastmaninstitutet och Södersjukhusets byggande.

  • 36.
    Börjeson, Martin
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Eriksson, Maria
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    En modell för införandet av en akademisk socialtjänst i Stockholms stad: Slutrapport2023Report (Other academic)
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    Börjeson Eriksson Akademisk socialtjänst
  • 37.
    Börjeson, Martin
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Tideman, Magnus
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Leder individuella stöd till delaktighet?: En kunskapskartläggning2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Rapporten redovisar en kunskapskartläggning som är första delen i ett flerårigt forskningsprojekt som med olika metoder belyser frågan om individuella stödinsatser leder till ökad delaktighet för personer med funktionsnedsättning. Kartläggningen pekar på behov av fördjupande studier och i den registerstudie och de två intervjustudier som utgör forskningsprojektets andra delar är ambitionen att ytterligare fördjupa dessa perspektiv.

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  • 38.
    Caspár, Nicole
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Dahlbacka, My
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Självförsörjning framför barns behov?: En kvalitativ studie över biståndsbedömares resonemang när de handlägger barnfamiljer på ekonomiskt bistånd.2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about how social assistance caseworkers reason about children's needs and to what extent these needs are met. The study also examines how this occurs based on caseworkers' relationship to organizational frameworks such as laws and guidelines. 

    The study follows a qualitative research approach with an abductive method to best allow interview participants to freely share their experiences. Eleven interviews were conducted with caseworkers who worked with social assistance from various municipalities in Sweden. The transcribed material was processed and categorized into different themes. Bourdieu's theoretical framework on class, among other things, was then used to analyze the material. 

    The results showed that caseworkers' life experiences influenced their reasoning and interpretation of the child perspective, which in turn affected how they made individual adaptations. The study also revealed that the possibilities of meeting children's needs within the framework of social assistance are limited. The study's analysis provided insights into how caseworkers unconsciously and inevitably used power and symbolic violence against the client due to the system's structure. The theory demonstrated connections between the caseworkers' background, actions, class position, exercise of power, and symbolic violence. Through the analysis, we saw that symbolic violence risked legitimizing and enabling visible violence. 

    The conclusion of the study is that the subject is relatively unexplored, and there is a need to investigate it further. 

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  • 39.
    Cederlöf, Julieta
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    I skuggan av den våldsutsatta: Om anhörigas erfarenheter av att vara stöd åt en kvinna som blir utsatt för partnervåld2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In an era where mens violence against women is increasingly recognized as a growing societal issue, this study focuses on the role of next of kins. These next of kins, often overshadowed by the victims of violence, face daily challenges arising from the violence. The study aims to explore the challenges adult next of kins experience in supporting their abused loved ones, the strain on their well-being, and their experiences and needs for support. Using qualitative interviews with ten adult next of kins and an abductive approach, results were analyzed alongside previous research and theories of secondary and vicarious traumatization, codependency, and social exchange theory. The empirical data yielded three main themes: the next of kins care, external support, and the silent burden, further developed into four analytical themes: conditional support, loss of a relationship, involuntary impact on well-being, and in the shadow of the abused. 

    The findings reveal significant challenges next of kins face in supporting the abused, especially in adapting support to the victims' wishes. The adaptation by next of kins is examined through codependency theory, highlighting strategies used to manage the situation. The study also indicates the psychological and physical impact on next of kins, with symptoms like anxiety, worry, and sleeplessness. Although some symptoms align with secondary traumatization, they more closely fit vicarious traumatization, emphasizing the personal internal change of helping a traumatized loved one. Furthermore, the study underscores the need for increased societal awareness of violence in intimate relationships and its impact on next of kins. Many relatives do not prioritize seeking help for themselves, focusing instead on the victim, and those who seek support often find it lacking due to misunderstanding or lack of knowledge.         

    This study aims to deepen the understanding of the challenges next of kins face in supporting their loved ones and how they perceive their own support needs. By doing so, it contributes to a relatively new field of knowledge by providing deeper insights into the experiences of next of kin’s and suggesting areas for improvement.     

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  • 40.
    Dahl, Fanni
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Ekström, Veronica
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Metoder för att motivera våldsutsatta och våldsutövande personer till stöd: En scoping review2023In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, ISSN 0037-833X, E-ISSN 2000-4192, Vol. 100, no 2, p. 355-367Article, review/survey (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this scoping review existing research on how perpetrators and victims of intimate partner violence are motivated to receive support is mapped and described. 13 articles were included in the scoping review where two different methods were identified: Second Responder Program (SRP) and initial motivational effort. Both show optimistic results in the sense of increased access to and use of support. However, it is unclear what effects the interventions have on recidivism. Future projects and studies should consider the ambiguity of relapse as an outcome measure and studies should be supplemented with users’ own voices about the interventions.

  • 41.
    Danielsson Wiklund, Jessica
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Olausson, Jennifer
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    “... ja, ingen mår egentligen bra i den här organisationen av att allt ska gå så fort.”: Biståndshandläggares röster om utskrivningsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study has been to investigate how the work of care managers has changed in connection with the discharge process from hospital against the background of the new law that was added in January 2018, Law (2017:612) on collaboration during discharge from inpatient health care. We wanted to make visible the changes to the work that took place as a result of the change in law coming into force, what these meant in practice for the care managers, and to examine what they feel they need to handle this. The study has a qualitative approach and the empirical material consists of a total of eight interviews with professional care manager in the field of elderly care assistance at a district administration located in Stockholm municipality. The collected material has been analyzed through the use of a perspective analysis and analysis scheme by Håkan Jönson. Furthermore, we have analyzed our results based on Michael Lipsky's theory of the street-level bureaucrats and also used theoretical concepts such as discretion and power. The results of the study show that there are several underlying factors that affect the care managers experiences of their professional role based on the new law change, one has brought about a changed way of working and, among other things, set demands for a higher degree of efficiency in their work. The respondents express that the way of working has become more urgent, full of demands and they have difficulties managing their own working hours, which leads to discharges being prioritized over home visits and follow-ups, which are therefore postponed. Furthermore, it appears that there has been a lower quality in the work as the care managers are pressured to work backwards in the processing as a result of insufficient and absent ADL assessments (activities in daily life) from the care side and the shortened processing days in connection with the discharge process. The care managers are affected by stress at work as the pace has increased significantly, which can lead to errors in the processing and, by extension, a feeling of insecurity and legal uncertainty for the elderly.

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    Biståndshandläggares röster om utskrivningsprocessen inom äldreomsorgen
  • 42.
    Darwich, Helin
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Tutuncu, Dilara
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    "Jag vill inte alltid behöva se mig om utifrån mitt yrkesval": En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av klientutövat hot och våld2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study was to examine social workers experiences of client-perpetrated threats and violence in their work with children and youths. A qualitative study has been made with a semi-structured interview method and have conducted six interviews. The material has been interpreted through a thematic analysis and hermeneutic interpretation of meaning. The material has been analyzed based on previous research and social constructionism as a scientific basis and coping and role theory as a theoretical perspective. The study shows that the social workers describe client-perpetrated threats and violence as ambiguous, because they have divided opinions about what threat and violence is and that the degree of seriousness is an influencing factor. The bar for the threat and violence extent within the organization and the employees has proven to be high which has resulted in that social workers in many cases reduces incidents of threatening and violent nature. It can be about applying strategies in your everyday work to be able to handle riskful situations more easily and to use organizational security measures in a preventive purpose. Furthermore it appears that your own responsibility is central in threat and violence situations which has resulted in under-reportings and less reports. The results also show that the availability of social workers personal data is a point of concern for social workers and is being used as content in threats that are made.  

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  • 43.
    Debove, Julia
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Barriärer och möjliggörare för implementering av riktlinjer som säkerställer ett barnrättcentrerat arbetssätt2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: The Swedish committment to the Convention on Child Rights forces Swedish organisations operating with children to follow the Convention’s policies and guidelines. However, whether employees within these organisations are provided sufficient conditions to comply with the policies and guidelines remain a challenge. Therefore there is a need to understand what organisational conditions that are required for a successful implementation of the Convention’s guidelines. 

    Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate NCCPs conditions for successful implemention of ACTs guideline Child safeguarding. 

    Method: A deductive approach where a hypothesis was derived from the acquired theoretical knowledge was used in this study. The hypothesis stated that NCCP would not possess sufficient conditions for a successful implementation of the guideline Child Safeguarding. In an attempt to test the hypothesis, interviews with key informants and reviewing previous literature was selected as methods to meet the aim of the study. 

    Results: The study identified several factors that affected the conditions for implementing the child safeguarding guideline. Three factors were identified to have significant influence on the conditions: lack of knowledge, unwillingness to report violations, and a CHS certification. 

    Conclusion: Through in-depth interviews and a rigorous literature review, the hypothesis in this study was rejected. Nevertheless, the implementation of Child safeguarding faces challenges and future research should be directed towards understanding employee motivations to comply instead of organisational. 

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  • 44.
    Dobers, Peter
    et al.
    Södertörn högskola.
    Malin, GawellSödertörn högskola.Gärde, JohanMarie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences. Södertörns högskola.Silfverskiöld, StefanFörsvarshögskolan.
    PROCEEDINGS of the 28th Annual Conference, International Sustainable Development Research Society: Sustainable Development and Courage: Culture, Art and Human Rights2022Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

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  • 45.
    Donevan, Meghan
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Jonsson, Linda
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Svedin, Carl Göran
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Osynliga brottsoffer: Intervjustudie bland personer som blivit filmade eller fotograferade för pornografiproduktion2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I december 2022 gavs forskare vid Marie Cederschiöld högskola i uppdrag av den statliga utredningen “Skydd, stöd och vård för personer som har utsatts för övergrepp vid produktion eller distribution av pornografi” (A 2022:02) att utföra en kvalitativ forskningsstudie riktad mot vuxna som blivit filmade eller fotograferade för pornografiproduktion.

    Syftet med studien var att få en djupare insikt i situationen för människor som förekommer i pornografi med fokus på utsattheten för våld och dess följder, samt behovet av och tillgängligheten till skydd, stöd och vård. Studien har främst en kvalitativ design, men innehåller även kvantitativa inslag.

    Metoden som användes innebar att deltagarna rekryterades via en annons, distribuerad genom sociala medier och på fysiska mottagningar med stöd av offentliga aktörer och ideella organisationer. Totalt intervjuades 26 personer mellan 26 mars och 19 juni 2023. Intervjun bestod av en kvantitativ enkät och en djupintervju som berörde ämnen som uppväxt, våldsutsatthet i samband med pornografi, hälsostatus, erfarenheter av att söka stöd och aktuella behov. Kvantitativ data bearbetades med deskriptiv statistik via SPSS, medan kvalitativ data analyserades genom reflexiv tematisk analys.

    Resultaten från enkätundersökningen visade att majoriteten av deltagarna var under 18 år då första inspelningen av pornografi gjordes och majoriteten hade erfarenheter av såväl olika former av traumatiska händelser under uppväxten som ogynnsamma uppväxtvillkor. Alla utom en hade erfarenheter av sexuella övergrepp under uppväxten. Majoriteten av deltagarna beskrev också i enkäten ett tvång och en våldsutsatthet under själva pornografiproduktionen. Deras hälsa präglades av långvarig psykisk ohälsa där ångest, depression, posttraumatiskt stressyndrom (PTSD) och dissociation var framträdande. De flesta hade någon gång blivit diagnosticerade med en eller flera psykiatriska diagnoser och varit i kontakt med många olika myndigheter/vårdgivare.

    Resultaten från djupintervjuerna strukturerades kring tre specifika faser i samband med pornografiproduktion: “In”, “Under” och “Ut”. Trots varierande erfarenheter kunde gemensamma faktorer identifieras som kollektivt bidrog till inträdet i pornografiproduktion. Bland dessa var systematiska svek, ofta manifesterade som försummelse och våldsutsatthet under uppväxten, där både vuxna och samhället svikit individen. En påtaglig känsla av ensamhet framhölls också som en drivande faktor, vilket ledde till att många kände sig tvungna att navigera sina sårbarheter på egen hand. Inträdet i pornografiproduktion representerade ofta en kamp för såväl ekonomisk som psykisk överlevnad.

    Fasen inne i pornografiproduktion präglades av fortsatt våld och en hög grad av utsatthet för olika typerav brott. Medverkan i egenproducerad eller studioproducerad pornografi framstod som en strävan efter kontroll efter att tidigare ha blivit berövade på makt och autonomi genom våldsutsatthet och exploatering. Berättelserna illustrerar nödvändigheten av att anta en roll när sexuella handlingar utförs mot ersättning, där individen agerar utifrån köparens förväntningar och krav. Samtliga deltagare uttryckte en rädsla för att hamna i det offentliga rummet till följd av materialets spridning—något som kändes oundvikligt. Denna rädsla var rotad i oron över att bli stämplade som mindre värd–”en hora”. Berättelserna belyser en process av normalisering och integrering av en negativ självbild, en konsekvens av upprepade svek och systematiskt våld.

    För de som blivit filmade eller fotograferade för pornografiproduktion under en längre tid, var resan “Ut” komplex och fylld med hinder och en hög risk för återfall. Intervjupersonerna lyfte ofta en specifik händelse som vändpunkten för att påbörja sin utgång, men många behöll en fot kvar i pornografiska sammanhang på grund av brist på alternativ och rätt stöd. Berättelserna understryker behovet av adekvat stöd och hjälp i form av professionella med kunskap och förståelse, behandling som adresserar grundorsakerna, insatser som fokuserar på individens komplexa behov, samt ett samhälle som tar våld på allvar. Framför allt handlade resan ut om att få omformulera jaget, från att ses som “en hora” som “får skyllasig själv” till att erkännas som ett brottsoffer.

    Deltagarna lyfte även fram viktiga medskick och råd till olika målgrupper. Till allmänheten underströk de behovet av förståelse och empati, grundad på en kunskap om verkligheten inom pornografiproduktionen snarare än föreställningar om “frivillighet”. Deltagarna ville förmedla till unga att trots den tillsynes lockande natur av plattformar som OnlyFans, är de negativa konsekvenserna aldrig värt det – och deras budskap är klart: gör inte det! Till konsumenter och köpare uppmanade deltagarna till att se bakom kameran, att förstå den mörka och skadliga industrin som deras konsumtion understöder. Och slutligen, för professionella, betonade de nödvändigheten av att fånga upp och ta ett helhetsgrepp, där effektiv screening, ett gott bemötande och hänvisning till specialiserad behandling blir nyckeln till resan ut ur pornografiproduktion.

    Avslutningsvis innehåller rapporten en diskussion med specifika rekommendationer om hur samhället kan stärka sitt skydd, stöd och vård för dessa osynliga brottsoffer, så att de får möjligheten att lämna våldets skugga bakom sig.

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  • 46.
    Dornell, Tove
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Rosati, Gabriella
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    När det tysta talar: En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av samtalsrummen på socialkontoret2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this study is to gain increased knowledge about social secretaries' experience of the meeting rooms at the social services office, and its significance for the professional meeting with clients. Through qualitative interviews with eight social secretaries, we have answered questions about the social secretary's experience of the physical environment in the meeting room, what frameworks the physical environment creates for interactions with the client and how power manifests itself in the physical environment. 

    The interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide. The collected empirical data has been thematized and analyzed in relation to previous research and with the help of environmental psychological and Foucault's theory of power.

    The results show that physical aspects of the room such as furniture, colours, windows and other equipment can fulfil different functions in relation to the purpose of the meeting, security aspects and what relationship the social secretary has with the client. These aspects can also strengthen or even out the power imbalance that exists between clients and professionals, as well as they give a sense of who you become when you step into the room. The results also show that the experience of the physical environment varies based on personal preferences, previous experiences, the approach of the social secretaries and the context that underlies the meeting.

     Our collected material shows that the meeting rooms are often not optimally adapted to the needs that exist in meetings with clients. Despite difficulties in fulfilling and affirming all aspects that are of importance in a meeting room, we see that there are many smaller as well as major changes that would be useful in a broad sense. There is also a need for a greater variety of rooms to create better conditions for both the social secretary and the client in the professional meeting. This is seen on the basis of the knowledge that exists in environmental psychology, power theory, previous research and the knowledge and experiences of the social secretaries.

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  • 47.
    Drammeh, Abdoulie
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Jankovic, Milica
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    ”Man önskar ju inget hellre än att vara utan den här kemiska fotbojan”: En kvalitativ studie av deltagares upplevelse av LARO-behandling2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of the study is to examine individuals’ subjective experiences of undergoing medication-assisted treatment for opioid dependency (LARO). To address the study’s purpose and research questions we used a qualitative method, utilizing both focus group interviews and individual interviews. In the focus group interview we interviewed three professionals to broaden our knowledge of the subject and to assist in the development of the interview guide for the individual interviews. The individual interviews included six participants: three currently undergoing LARO-treatment and three who have previously undergone it. The material from the focus group and individual interviews is presented in the empirical section using thematic analysis. The empirical data were then analyzed with the help of previous research and Goffman’s theory of stigma.

    The study reveals several important aspects of individuals’ experiences with LARO treatment. Physical side effect and emotional numbness were highlighted as significant issues. Concurrent substance abuse also appears to be a major concern among the study’s participants. The process of medication retrieval and monitoring is another significant aspect of LARO treatment. While the treatment’s life-saving potential is acknowledged, participants also expressed a sense of dependency on the treatment as problematic. The study shows variability in how individuals undergoing LARO-treatment are affected by social contexts. On one hand, relationships with close ones and family sometimes remained functional or even improved. On the other hand, some relationships are described as deteriorated. All participants were cautious about whom they disclosed their treatment to. The study shows that the surrounding environment could be understanding in some cases. While in other cases, individuals were looked down upon. The participants’ experiences with the staff’s attitude are generally positive. The study discusses differing opinions on whether one can be considered drug-free while undergoing LARO treatment. Some respondents believe that one can be drug-free but highlight concurrent substance abuse as an obstacle. Other believe that one cannot be truly considered drug-free if receiving substitution treatment.

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  • 48.
    Ebrahimi, Nasrin
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    När kärleken blir till ett fängelse - mellan våld och heder. Kvinnors osynliga kamp för frihet och överlevnad: En kvantitativ studie om kvinnors utsatthet inom våld i nära relationer och hedersförtryck2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study aims to investigate vulnerability among young women and girls, focusing on those who have been exposed both to violence in romantic relationships and at the same time face honor-related violence and oppression from their families. A quantitative method has been used and an anonymous survey was conducted with 128 participants, all women over 18 years old with experiences of violence in intimate partner relationships and honor-related violence and oppression. To answer the study's questions, an analysis has been carried out with the support of intersectional perspectives, strength-based theory and previous research that is relevant to the study's topic. The results show that both psychological and physical violence in a couple relationship is common among the respondents. There are also different forms of expression of norms and expectations such as choice of clothing and restrictions on friendships of the opposite sex, that the women in the sample experienced.  The study highlights the complexity of young women's exposure to both honor-related violence from the family and exposure to violence in couple relationships. The study also examines what resources and abilities these women estimate they must overcome difficulties despite their vulnerability. The result points out the need for increased understanding and new perspectives on these problem areas to better manage and prevent violence against women.

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  • 49.
    Edhenholm, Niclas
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Kärt barn har många namn: Hur problematisk skolfrånvaro framställs som socialt problem2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine how problematic school absenteeism is produced, depicted and negotiated as a social problem. It aims to do so by studying texts produced by three different parties with a shared responsibility for children and youths experiencing problematic school absenteeism in Sweden: the families, the school system and affiliated authorities, as well as therapy providers commissioned by the social services. The research questions asked are how these different parties describe problematic school absenteeism as a social problem in texts, and what the consequences for the discourse are based on these problem descriptions. The analyzed texts are an article for debate published in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, written by a parent of a child with problematic school absenteeism, a report written by the Swedish Schools Inspectorate, Skolinspektionen, and a handbook about working with problematic school absenteeism, written by a research team employed by a company specialized in therapies for children and youths with varying social issues. 

    Theoretically this study mainly departs from Bronfenbrenners (1979) ecological systems theory, the theoretical framework of Foucault (1982), mainly concerning discourse, and the methodological approach of Bacchi (2009) What’s the problem represented to be. The analysis uses Bacchis methodology, by posing specific questions aimed at the three different texts. 

    The results of this study show that problematic school absenteeism as a social problem is depicted differently throughout the different texts – often using different strategies and perspectives in describing and defining the issue. The study also finds a commonality among the texts regarding their perspective on parental strategies and influence in relation to problematic school absenteeism, where this factor is generally not scrutinized. 

    One of the major conclusions drawn from this study is that the discourse generally tends to subjectify the child or youth into being somewhat interchangeable with the social problem at hand, especially in the cases where the term hemmasittare (Swedish for home sitter) is used. 

    The conclusions made from this study are mainly applicable on the instance of these three texts but are thought to also be of use in further investigations concerning critical discourse analysis applied to problematic school absenteeism as a social problem. 

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  • 50.
    Ekström, Amanda
    et al.
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    Karlsson, Alexandra
    Marie Cederschiöld University, Department of Social Sciences.
    “Det är ju tyvärr en av de saker som är socialtjänstens stora utmaningar. … alltså det blöder”: En kvalitativ intervjustudie som undersöker socialsekreterares möjligheter och hinder för att arbeta för barnets bästa2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate the factors that are influencing govern social workers' work with children's rights and participation and the importance of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the work of social workers and whether any changes has occurred since the Convention on the Rights of the Child was incorporated into law. The study was based on five qualitative semi-structured interviews, three of which were conducted with social workers and two with current assistant unit managers in a family unit. The empirical data was analysed using thematic analysis, and the analysis was guided by the theoretical perspectives of systems theory and street level bureaucracy, as well as the theoretical concepts of child perspective and children's perspective. The study has shown that the Convention on the Rights of the Child has always played a natural part in the social workers' working methods, both practically and theoretically. However, the study also reveals that the major changes that have occurred since the Convention on the Rights of the Child became law are more related to the work of other actors rather than the social workers encountered in this study.  The overall conclusions of the study can be summarized in the following points; Social systems determine the social worker's ability to perform their work, Political priorities affect the social worker's conditions to a great extent, The Convention on the Rights of the Child has provided tools for other actors to adopt a child rights perspective, The organizational conditions in each unit play a major role. In conclusion, the results of our study show that there are many factors other than just laws that affect the conditions for the social worker to be able to perform their work adequately, therefore there are currently more obstacles than opportunities for a social worker to work for the rights and best interests of the child. 

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