Background: Patients may have different experiences while they are cared for in a multiplebed
room. Those experiences are influenced by the hospital environment,
atmosphere, lack of space and communication. Dignity can be affected and
offend in various ways depending on their own perceptions of dignity.
Aim: The aim of this literature review was to explore how patients experienced
their own dignity in a multiple-bed room ward within somatic care.
Methods: This literature review was based on 13 qualitative and one quantitative study
and found in the databases CINAHL, Medline and PubMed. The results were
compiled in a chart, where similarly themes were identified to created new
Results: The overall themes for this literature review are presented in six different
themes. They are: Patients experiences of being independent, patients
privacy, patients’ participation in being placed in a multiple-bed room,
patients' experiences of being with others and how staffs’ response affects
patients' experiences. The patients both positive and negative experiences are
Discussions: The authors discuss the results based on Nordenfelt dignity concept, where
dignity as moral stature, human dignity and the dignity of identity are
Keywords: Multiple-bed rooms, privacy, patients’ experience, dignity